Foreigner residents in Piedmont
At the beginning of 2019, foreigners residing in Piedmont numbered 427,911 (224,020 females; 203,891 males), 9.8% of the resident population. Non-EU residents are about 60%
At the beginning of 2019, foreigners residing in Piedmont numbered 427,911 (224,020 females; 203,891 males), 9.8% of the resident population. Non-EU residents are about 60%
I came across a nice little book whose title really captured me .. (this and little else as the content honestly wasn’t as interesting): MOMENTS
The mixed family is characterized by the belonging of one of the partners to a different cultural group. This diversity confronts various challenges ranging from
Dott.ssa Stefania Scarduelli
Psicologa Psicoterapeuta
Via Saluzzo 121 –
10126 Torino