Psychotherapy in English

Psychotherapy in English
In few years the people that moved to Turin for job or family reasons have increased a lot. Besides them, there are many students that decide to stay in the city for short/long periods in the University or School programs.
Despite what the reasons are, the settlement is not so easy. Sometimes a specific vulnerability, in addiction a moment of pressure, can cause an explosion and turn to anxiety, panic attack, depression and- in general- emotional disorders.
All these symptoms are now well known as emigrant syndrome. Surely it is better do not to wait and search for a psychological support. In the best of cases in a few sessions you will be able to find your balance and learn how to built your new life with different tools or for example how to handle the anxiety that made hard all your path until now….or still, you can learn more about the Italian culture and how to fit your professional skills here.
Psychotherapy in English
Moreover, in the Expat e Famiglie Miste Top project, you can find a network of different professionals as speech therapist, osteopath, naturopath, psychomotor that speak different languages. Write or call and i will be back to you soon.


Foreigner residents in Piedmont
At the beginning of 2019, foreigners residing in Piedmont numbered 427,911 (224,020 females; 203,891 males), 9.8% of the resident population.

February 2021: the pandemic and our “suspended” time
I came across a nice little book whose title really captured me .. (this and little else as the content

Mixed families: cultures that come together
The mixed family is characterized by the belonging of one of the partners to a different cultural group. This diversity